A Guide to French Bulldog Care: Tips for Owning a Happy and Healthy Pup

A Guide to French Bulldog Care: Tips for Owning a Happy and Healthy Pup

15 Replies to “A Guide to French Bulldog Care: Tips for Owning a Happy and Healthy Pup”

  1. November 17, 2018 Kristine

    I’m not sure if this is where we ask questions but I’ll ask anyway.
    My husband and I just got a 3 and a half month male Frenchie (Brady) about two weeks ago. For the most part he’s great! Almost potty trained to go outside completely but of course still has the seldom accident inside.
    We’ve tried crate training him and as long as he can see you he’ll settle, but the moment you walk away it’s never ending whining and barking.
    We even tried the exercise pen with no crate but pillows and lots of toys, could this be separation anxiety and did you guys or know anyone that experienced this?
    We both work full time and thankfully James works shifts so when he’s on night shifts, I make it home on time that Brady is not left alone. For the time being we’ve been using a dog sitter or family to watch him.
    But we both can’t ever leave to do groceries because one of us has to be with him at all times. And our family is out of the way just to drop him off for an hour of shopping
    Do you guys have any suggestions?

    1. November 19, 2018 Frankie

      Hey Kristine!

      Thanks for reaching out with your question. It does sound like Brady is having some separation anxiety or something similar. However, I wouldn’t be too concerned about it at 3 months old. Your pup is still very young and will take a bit of time to get used to being away from their mother, litter, and their new parents.

      However, there are a few things you can do to help with the situation. Here are a few tips:

      – Changing your leaving routine so that Brady doesn’t associate certain behavior with you leaving him.
      – Using the crate at other times, when you are home, to help him understand that it is a safe and calming place.
      – Give Brady some things to do while you are away. For example, you can fill Kong toys with treats.
      – Play fun games with Brady before you leave the house, so he is happy and tired, ready for a sleep.
      – Give him a decent amount of exercise every day. A well-walked dog will be less likely to get irritable and anxious during down times.
      – Don’t make a big deal out of leaving the house – if you’re calm, he is more likely to be too.

      Hope that helps!

      1. April 14, 2019 Nick

        He will grow out of it !! Sounds like a clingy frenchie !

  2. December 15, 2018 Lynn

    Hi Frankie!
    We’ve adopted a french bulldog, named Bart, age 6, about 2 months ago. It is our first dog and I’ve been wondering… We live in Belgium and it’s getting really cold out here, it’s freezing during the night. And Bart really loved going for a walk but now he doesn’t want to go outside anymore. He only goes on a walk for a quick pee and poo and wants to go back inside immediately. I’m no fan of dressing up a dog but I’ve been wondering if we should buy him a jacket so he doesn’t freeze outside. Could this be necessary for dogs who mostly live inside?
    Kind regards,

    1. December 17, 2018 Frankie

      Hey Lynn!

      Thanks for checking out the site and taking the time to ask a question.

      Frenchies are more susceptible to the hot and cold than other dogs because of their breathing difficulties. They are also very homely, and most of the time, would prefer to cuddle up on the couch rather than be outside in the elements.

      However, it’s important you keep them active and healthy which means finding a way to exercise them in the colder months.

      Most French Bulldog owners that live in colder climates will buy a weather-resistant jacket for their dog so they can take them walking.

      Hope that helps!

  3. December 19, 2018 Bethany

    Hi there! Similar to the first question. I am looking to get a female frenchie, she’s still a puppy (7 months) but I’m wondering about the separation anxiety as well. Both my boyfriend and I are working full-time, but we would be willing to invest in a dog walker. What would you suggest? Is 7 months still young enough to train her to be OK home alone? Thanks!

    1. December 20, 2018 Frankie

      Hey Bethany,

      Thanks for reaching out!

      Each dog is going to be different, but at their core, they are creatures of habit. If you can create a positive habit/ritual of being at home all day then they will get used to it.

      In our experience 7 months old is more than old enough to start being left by themselves, that doesn’t mean they won’t miss you though!

      Like with any new habit or routine you’re best to help your pup adapt to it slowly if you can. Build up her immunity to being alone by dropping in every few hours, if possible, and slowly start extending the time you are away until it is a full day.

      You may choose to walk her in the morning and in the evening, so she is getting enough stimulation despite being by herself all day. Also, look into getting a doggie door or grass pee mat for inside your home so she can do her business when necessary. Another time-filler is to put some treats in a Kong or something similar so they are occupied for a while when you leave.

      Hope that helps!

  4. February 25, 2019 Cory Turner

    I am getting my first dog and its a frenchie puppy what are some things i might need for care he is akc should i take it to vet and do a check up right away what kind of care for the puppy mainly just a frenchie i need to look out for i herd just keep the wrinkles cleaned and ears and what are some good potty training techniques thank u for your time

    1. March 4, 2019 Frankie

      Hey Cory,

      It’s always best to see a vet when you bring a new puppy home, especially a Frenchie. They will do an initial check-up, plan vaccinations, and give you some tips on getting started with your new pup. There is a lot to get used to from cleaning wrinkles, managing allergies, food sensitivities, the right amount of exercise, heat exhaustion, and a list of other important details.

  5. April 9, 2019 Jenni Tasianta

    I have recently been thinking on investing a frenchie and was wondering if you would be able to tell me good way to toilet train that breed! i’ve had other dogs before but iv never been successful on potty training them, luckily they love being outside.
    i know frenchie’s are much more high maintenance and being an inside dog is a must. id love if you’d be able to give me a few tips!

    1. April 9, 2019 Will Blunt

      Hey Jenni!

      You may find some helpful advice here:

      While Frenchies are a little extra work than the average dog, they are totally worth it!

      1. April 10, 2019 Stacey

        Hello, we’ve just got a 3 month old French puppy, he’s been very playful and seems to have settled in well but I’m finding it hard to potty train him, his poohs have been quite runny too. Is this anything to worry about or does it take a while for them to settle, we are on week 1. Thank you

        1. April 10, 2019 Will Blunt

          Hey Stacey,

          Thanks for reaching out! 3 months is not extremely long for potty training a French Bulldog, some dogs can take up to 8-9 months to be fully trained. It’s a patience game.

          Check out this article if you’d like some more info:

          In terms of the runny poos – this can be normal, but it can also be a sign of intolerances or other medical issues. If you’re concerned and the symptoms are persisting, take your pup to the vet to get them checked out 🙂

          Good luck!

  6. May 6, 2019 Jus

    Hey I have a 3 month old Frenchie ( Kenzo ) I got him at around 2 months old. He has cherry eyes in both of his eyes at the moment. Took him to the vet, and was told he needs surgery but can’t get surgery until 6 months!

    What can I do to help my dog while we wait for this “surgery”

    1. May 10, 2019 Will Blunt

      Hey Jus,

      That’s sad! I’m so sorry to hear about Kenzo’s cherry eye issue.

      We have a couple of articles which may help: and

      But in the end, your vet is the most qualified to help. Perhaps you could see another vet to get a second opinion and a quicker surgery time?


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