The 8 Best French Bulldog Toys To Keep Your Pup Excited, Happy, and Occupied

The 8 Best French Bulldog Toys To Keep Your Pup Excited, Happy, and Occupied

2 Replies to “The 8 Best French Bulldog Toys To Keep Your Pup Excited, Happy, and Occupied”

  1. October 1, 2018 Victoria Arthur

    got a staffi cross and getting a frenchie pup any advise settling a puppy in my home

    1. October 17, 2018 Frankie

      Hi Victoria,

      When introducing any new pup to a home there is a lot to consider, especially when you already have another dog that is likely territorial.

      It’s important to set boundaries early on, give them separate toys, bowls, and other things. You may even consider separating them at night or when they are alone, just for the initial period at least.

      When they are together, monitor their behavior and ensure you reward positive play time and acceptance from the Staffi.

      Hope that helps!


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