The Most Common French Bulldog Allergies (And How To Treat Them)

The Most Common French Bulldog Allergies (And How To Treat Them)

94 Replies to “The Most Common French Bulldog Allergies (And How To Treat Them)”

  1. April 13, 2018 stacey large

    have 2 french bulldogs, brothers, 1 has a very dry cracked nose and keeps having a blocked nose, we put them on a wheat&gluten free dry food, because they smell really bad. any ideas

    1. April 17, 2018 Frankie

      Hey Stacey, dry and cracked noses are quite common with Frenchies. One treatment option is good old Vaseline (or “Nose Butter” which is available from some pet stores). It should reduce the irritation and slowly improve the nose dryness over a few days of application – morning and night. If, however, it doesn’t look like your pup’s nose is improving then it may be an allergy, skin infection, or auto-immune disease. Your Vet is the best person to advise on the best approach to managing these issues.

      1. August 22, 2018 James

        Last time my frenchy diagnosed with ehrlichia and her nose bleed. Prior to that her nose is always wet and she keeps on zneezing. After a month now her nose began to get wet again and she always shaking her head and sneezing. Im afraid her nose will bleed again. She keeps on licking. I always vomit. I dont know if this an allergy or what. Currently shes not bleeding and Im just giving her dextrose powder. Shes eating but then will vomit some time. Please help me. Or email me if someone can help me whats this. Thanmz

        1. September 3, 2018 Frankie

          Hi James,

          Thanks for your message. It’s very hard for us to determine the cause of all of these symptoms. The vomiting, sneezing, and bleeding may or may not be related. We would recommend seeing your vet to narrow down the cause of these symptoms and to determine a way to manage them.

        2. January 28, 2019 Amanda

          Hi James, if your frenchie is vomiting after eating (like mine was) have him checked for a hiatal hernia which is common in this breed. Surgery to fix my frenchy’s hiatal hernia stopped the vomiting. Good luck and I hope your baby feels better.

    2. October 20, 2018 John

      My female fawn coloured frenchy 10mths old has red skin an losing fur for 4days now it’s in her ears inside legs front and back chest and underneath.its fur has black blotches as well especially on legs.

      1. October 30, 2018 Frankie

        Hi John,

        That sounds very uncomfortable for your pup! I would get her to a vet as soon as possible to diagnose the condition.

      2. September 2, 2019 [email protected]

        My fawn female has had this same problem. Did you ever find out what was causing this condition? Thanks!

  2. May 4, 2018 Hannah

    My 8 month old Frenchie have developed Red rashes under his front two legs ( in kinda his armpit region). He is scratching at them constantly so the irritation isn’t going away. He is on a grain free diet and we recently got his a new harness to make sure that wasn’t causing the issue but the irritation still won’t go away.

    1. May 4, 2018 Frankie

      Hi Hannah,

      Frenchie rashes are hard to handle, we feel your pain!

      There are a number of different things that can cause rashes, and unfortunately, there is no easy way to determine the cause and eliminate it from your Frenchie’s life.

      It may be certain allergens in the environment, it may be the protein you are feeding your pup, it could be grains, as you mentioned. Or, it could be a rash from something else, such as heat or a side effect of another illness.

      There are anti-itch tablets that Frankie uses during a breakout and they are really great at reducing the itch and inflammation. So you could ask your Vet about those.

      Your best chance at relieving the itch long-term is to try and eliminate as many potential allergens as possible and then slowly add them back in one at a time. Alternatively, you can ask your vet for a referral to an animal dermatologist to have an allergy test.

      Either way, go and see a vet to get professional advice.

      Thanks and good luck!

    2. October 25, 2018 Sai

      Hi Hannah!
      My frenchie is 2years old and have the same symptoms! He’s on hypoallergenic food but nothing has changed and I bought him a new harness too! Vets don’t know what it is or what could cause the symptoms!

    3. January 9, 2019 Ty

      Our frenchie is now having the exact problem and we are trying everything. Did you ever figure out what it was?

  3. June 25, 2018 Dorsa Darabimoghaddam

    I have been having trouble finding the best/right food for my frenchie, who is almost 8 months old. When we first brought him home, i fed him grain free Canidae dry food and after a while he got red spots on his stomach which he was put on antibiotics for. Then we changed his food to home cooked beef and he would not digest any of it and his skin became very itchy and we had to change his food to a special prescribed diet by Purina HA. I hate that brand and the things ive heard, i just wanted to change his food to something else and while he was on it, he had diarrhea which the vet put him on the tylan powder. I went ahead and changed his food to the Farmers dog fresh food turkey recipe, cause id heard really good things about it. Hes doing great on it. Ive stopped the tylan powder and hes only eating the Farmers dog food. No itchiness nothing except he cannot digest the carrots and parsnips in the food at all. They come right out in his stool. Does this mean hes allergic again? I have no idea what I should do. Its so frustrating. Id appreciate it if you could help me out a bit.

    1. June 26, 2018 Frankie

      Hey Dorsa,

      Thanks for sharing your story! Food allergies are hard to diagnose but it sounds like you have found a good solution for your pup.

      I wouldn’t worry too much about the carrots and parsnips not being digested that is quite normal. As long as your pup is active, eating well, and not vomiting or having diarrhea then all should be good.

  4. June 25, 2018 Mini

    My frenchie is 11 months old and he breaks into this red rash around his mouth almost every day. Is it the water or the tropical weather (India). He looks better after an Allegra but what is the cause?

    1. June 26, 2018 Frankie

      Hi Mini,

      Thanks for the comment and for checking out our site!

      Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible for us to diagnose your pup’s red rash with such little information and without meeting him. It does sound like an allergy, but there are a number of different allergies it could be. The two most common allergies are related to food and the environment they live in. You can only figure it out by putting your pup onto an elimination diet or seeing a specialist to have an allergy test done.

      Sorry, we couldn’t be of more help!

    2. September 18, 2018 Ki

      Is he using a plastic food bowl? If so, switch him to stainless steel. My dog was allergic to the plastic bowl.

  5. June 29, 2018 Laurie

    My 8 month old Frenchie has developed horrible watery eye reddish tear stains. I use peroxide and witch hazel on those areas several times a day but it’s not drying up or helping. I’m thinking allergies, switching his food but what about Benadryl if it’s outside allergens? And if so, how much do I give him?
    Thank you.

    1. July 2, 2018 Frankie

      Hey Laurie,

      We’re sorry to hear your Frenchie is having some eye troubles 🙁

      The best approach would be to see a vet about the symptoms, they will be able to guide you in a process for diagnosing the cause and finding a solution.

    2. December 25, 2018 Anon

      Water that the dog is drinking has too much chemicals. Give him bottled water or use a water filter eg Brita Water filter and they will soon disappear fast.

  6. July 1, 2018 Cassaundra

    My frenchie is 7 months old and has been vomiting and diarrhea . She also seems to be scratching more then usual and has a runny nose . The vet assumes allergies and has given her medicine for the vomiting and diarrhea. She also now takes probiotics and Gastro vet food. I’m wondering once she is done with her medicine there is a dog food that is recommened for frenchies or should I make homemade food ?

    1. July 2, 2018 Frankie

      Hey Cassaundra,

      Thanks for taking a moment to comment and sharing your experience with the community.

      Unfortunately, there is no easy way to determine which, if any, food is causing these problems. Frankie has a very sensitive stomach too and we’ve tried over 5 different store-bought dry foods with no luck. For us, we have found a homemade concoction of rice noodles, vegetables, and kangaroo (or another super lean meat) has been the best solution. But every pup is different!

  7. July 3, 2018 Sasha

    My baby has this ugly bumps (that look like lumps) all over his body. We’ve taken him to the 4 times. The meds they give him clear the big hives or lumps but then they come back. We are currently giving him raw food. Unfortunately we have been giving him chicken. Will eliminate to see if that helps. My baby’s too cute to have those ugly things all over him

    1. July 3, 2018 Frankie

      Hey Sasha, sorry to hear your Frenchie is having some allergy challenges 🙁

      It’s sad, especially when they are so cute!

      Speak with your vet about an elimination diet to determine if the bumps are caused by food allergies. Alternatively, if they are environmental allergies then the best solution is an ongoing treatment. (Or identifying the specific allergens and moving to an area that doesn’t have them!)

      Good luck.

    2. November 23, 2018 Lori Burke

      My Frenchie got big bumps all over after a brief trip to my Moms lake house. Turned out his brief splash in the lake gave him a bacterial infection. The vet prescribed a topical mousse treatment which worked wonders and he got a massage out of the deal! Maybe your dog is near stagnant water???

  8. July 21, 2018 Joana

    My boy has now 3 months and since we brought him home he is on royal canin dry food. Last month he started with red spots in his belly and neck and he was scratching a lot. The spots were really red and bloody. We went to the vet she prescribed antibiotics and a cream. He finished the treatment last Wednesday. But now it’s coming back again the red spots. Can someone help me please? Can be food? Which food is better to give him? Thank you

    1. July 23, 2018 Frankie

      Hey Joana!

      Thanks for the comment and for checking out our site!

      Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible for us to diagnose your pup’s red spots with such little information and without meeting him. It does sound like an allergy, but there are a number of different allergies it could be. The two most common allergies are related to food and the environment they live in. You can only figure it out by putting your pup onto an elimination diet or seeing a specialist to have an allergy test done.

      Sorry, we couldn’t be of more help!

    2. November 15, 2018 Victoria Spencer

      I have only ever fed my frenchies raw complete, you can’t just feed raw meat it needs to have muscle and bone in it or their bones won’t develop properly and they will end up with serious health issues

    3. December 16, 2018 Eric

      We are having the same problem. We have our Frenchie on the same royal canin diet. Am planning on switching him off to a diffrent kind of food. Please let us know how things ade working out.

      1. January 14, 2019 Gemma

        My Frenchie was on that, is gave her a terrible reaction! I sourced a natural dog food called Clydach Farm Food it’s amazing she stopped itching almost instantly

        1. February 21, 2019 BJ

          My frenchie suffered with gastro problems so we have changed him to a raw food diet and he is a different dog. He coat is so shiny his eyes are bright he has so much energy now and doesn’t suffer with gas (much). I keep treats restricted to berries and root veg or the odd treat of rabbit ears.

          1. February 21, 2019 Frankie

            Thanks for sharing BJ!

  9. July 23, 2018 Jordan

    My 8 month old Frenchie Frankie has been going through allergy symptoms lately. Itching, ear infections etc. I have had him on an elimination diet of turkey brown rice and carrots. His itching has stopped.. alongside his medication for his ear infection and regular ear drops we seem to be on the right track. I have re introduced a bit of chicken this evening and he has reacted with very smelly flatulence. Is it safe to say chicken is the culprit? When Frankie was first weaned onto food he was weaned onto cheap tinned wet food and was given anything and everything to eat. Since I have had him I have put him on homecooked diet to ensure I know what ingredients is going into his meals. Can you give me any hypoallergenic food suggestions moving forward. I worry about him a lot. My vets advice has been ear drops and james wellbeloved hypoallergenic recipe.

    1. July 23, 2018 Frankie

      Hey Jordan,

      We feel you! It’s a hard journey identifying the allergens that are affected your Frenchie. It sounds like you have gone through the right process.

      Based on what you have said I wouldn’t automatically blame chicken as the culprit just because of some flatulence. Flatulence is common with a change of diet anyway, especially with Frenchies. However, I wouldn’t rule it out just yet either!

      If the Turkey, brown rice and carrots seem to be sitting well with him why don’t you just stick with that?

      We’ve tried a number of different hypo-allergenic foods and have found the home cooked meals to be the safest bet. Plus, our Frankie doesn’t like the bland hypo-allergenic kibble very much!

      1. September 21, 2018 Alex I use pet plate for my frenchie and it was the best decision I ever made!!

    2. September 15, 2019 Desiree

      I have a 3 and a half yr old frenchie named Mook. Hes had a poultry allergy for almost 2 years now. I’ve found raw freeze dried food works great for him. I also recently tried Merrick. Poultry free. He did great on that one too

  10. August 16, 2018 Sondra

    My Frenchmen is 9 years. Ongoing skin eruptions to scabs and itching. Poor guy rolling on back and along couch to itch. I know it must be the food. He gets chicken homemade and lamb and sweet potatoe special food. Help what can I do?? Elimate the chicken???

  11. August 16, 2018 Sondra

    I think on my last note I sent wrong email.

    1. August 20, 2018 Frankie

      Hey Sondra,

      Unfortunately, it’s impossible for us to diagnose your pup’s irritations with such little information and without meeting him. It does sound like an allergy, but there are a number of different allergies it could be. The two most common allergies are related to food and the environment they live in. You can only figure it out by putting your pup onto an elimination diet or seeing a specialist to have an allergy test done.

      Sorry, we couldn’t be of more help!

  12. September 2, 2018 Wendy Ann Johnson

    My French bulldog has started sneezing a lot in phases is this anything to worry about or is it not unusual his only 11 months old

    1. September 3, 2018 Frankie

      Hi Wendy,

      There are a number of reasons your Frenchie may be sneezing. Most commonly, it may be because of inhaled irritants such as dust, perfumes, or pollens in the air. Alternatively, it could be due to allergies, airway obstructions, or something more serious such as kennel cough or other diseases. We would recommend seeing your vet so that they can appropriately diagnose the cause.

  13. September 16, 2018 Neuza

    I have a 15 month french and he lately has been itching his ears so bad. He only eats once a day which normally feed him at 6pm/7pm. In the morning i take him for a walk at the park and he comes back fine no itching. So he has his meal at 6pm/7pm and I take him for a walk at 8.30/9 pm and as soon we get indoors he starts with this crazy itching that sometimes even bleeds. I am aware that they always itchy ear at times but not so bad and desperately like he does it. However my doubt is, can be the food ?(I use royal canine adult for him since he turn 13 months) before he was on junior and was all ok still itchy in and there at times too. Or if it is where I take him for a walk at night as it is a different place I take him from morning ? I feel sorry for him. I also read some of responses here and I might will start using some Vaseline for his dry nose and maybe ears to see if can help. Can you please advise me on this. Many thanks.

    1. September 17, 2018 Frankie

      Hi Neuza,

      Unfortunately, it’s impossible for us to diagnose your pup’s irritations with such little information and without meeting him. It does sound like an allergy, but there are a number of different allergies it could be. The two most common allergies are related to food and the environment they live in (or it could be the place you take him at night). You can only figure it out by putting your pup onto an elimination diet or seeing a specialist to have an allergy test done.

      Sorry, we couldn’t be of more help!

    2. November 9, 2018 Tracey

      Could it be ear mites

    3. February 7, 2019 Judi

      Feeding a dog only once a day may be stressing his little 15 month old system too much. Try cutting the daily amount into one feeding at 6 or 7 am and one feeding at 6 or 7 pm. 24 hrs between feedings is a very long stretch. Try it- I’ll bet your Frenchie will love you for it!

  14. October 12, 2018 Ricardo Goncalves

    My 5 years old french bulldog is NON STOP itchy when she gets excited or is around people she’s not used to. Otherwise if she is calm at home, no signs of itch. Have been to several vets, no one knows the cause…..

    1. October 17, 2018 Frankie

      Hey Ricardo,

      It’s hard for us to diagnose your pup’s itch, but have you considered that it is somewhat psychological? It may be related to stress or anxiety, much like the way humans react to similar situations.

      If that is the case, then your best chance of improving the symptoms is to get her used to more people in a control environment more regularly.

  15. October 15, 2018 Christian501

    Hi Frankie,

    Good Morning! Hope you can help me with my problem. We’ve got an adopted 1.5 years old French Bulldog (owner will be moving to another country), and all medical records, and passport, remaining foods, beds, and medicines (still clueless for what purpose) were left with us together with the dog. Problem is, we didn’t know that the dog is somehow allergic with grass. Out of my excitement to walk with the dog at the park, I let him play in the grassy area. It happened for a couple more days. Then this morning, I noticed that my dog keeps on wagging his head, and scratching his ears. Upon taking a closer look, I found out that he already started to wound up. Can you advise what medication, or ointment I can apply? Is spraying alcohol to the wounded area a good idea while waiting for my free time to visit a vet? Appreciate your kind and professional advise.

    Kind Regards,

    1. October 17, 2018 Frankie

      Hi Christian,

      Congrats on adopting a Frenchie! Lots of fun times ahead…

      Unfortunately, if your pup has already started to wound up and is scratching excessively then you will likely need antibiotics to clear it up which you can get from a vet.

      That is what we would recommend.

      Moving forward, you can minimize the symptoms with allergy supplements and by cleaning your pups most commonly irritated areas with antiseptic wash once a week. The face wrinkles, feet, and ears are the most common areas for Frenchies to get allergic reactions that can turn into infections.

      Hope that helps.

  16. October 25, 2018 Ross Paton


    Mylo keeps drooling after being outside… only started happening a few months ago .. he is 6 years old … It’s like a slow tap dripping out the sides of his mouth .. it can be every week it happens it’s not every time he is outside ….IV checked for mouth objects .. he still has appetite … Thanks

    1. October 30, 2018 Frankie

      Hi Ross,

      Excessive drooling can be caused by a number of different things. Some are harmless environmental aspects near your home or things your pup has eaten, and others are more sinister and need to be treated. Based on the information you have provided it’s hard to offer a diagnosis so I would recommend seeing your local vet.

  17. October 25, 2018 Wayne taylot

    My little dog as got up with lumps all over us body even in is eye

  18. November 13, 2018 danielle

    Hi, I have a 3 year old brindle male frenchie, our vet told us he has seasonal allergies and prescribed prednisone and advised to give Benadryl… he has no skin irritations, his coat is great but he is always licking his paws… excessively. the only thing I can see is a little bit of redness in between his paws when I stretch them apart. As soon as I stop the prednisone and Benadryl it comes right back… I’ve tried to wipe down his paws with baby wipes (non scented and hypoallergenic ) when he comes inside and it seems to help a little but its a constant battle… any suggestions? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    1. November 19, 2018 Frankie

      Hey Danielle,

      I wish I had better news for you but in our experience, maintenance of the allergies is your best chance of reducing the symptoms. If the allergies are environmental then unless you move to a new area which doesn’t have the allergens, then it is something you and your pup will likely need to live with.

      Frankie, for example, has similar symptoms to what you have described and she takes an allergy tablet once a day to eliminate the effects and reduce the chance of other complications.

      1. June 4, 2020 Joyce Jeffers

        Could you tell me what allergy table you give Frankie? Hamlet is taking Apoquel, it helped didn’t it didn’t anymore!

        1. June 11, 2020 Will Blunt

          Hi Joyce,

          Yes, Frankie is having Apoquel, too. It is still working for her at the moment. So it stopped working for Hamlet? That’s sad to hear 🙁

  19. November 21, 2018 Sandy

    Hi Frankie,
    My Frenchie, Herschel licks his fee the minute he eats food with fish or fish oil. He has had gastro upset from every food we’ve tried except Hills prescription W/D. The trouble with WD is that it is primarily made up of hydrolized chicken and wheat. He has to eat 1 1/4 cups per meal and poops 8 times a day. Any recommendations on foods, not necessarily grain free? We also suspect peas and chickpeas as irritants.

    1. November 27, 2018 Frankie

      Hi Sandy,

      Thanks for stopping by!

      Unfortunately, the best way to isolate food allergies is by trial and error. You can, however, manage these allergies with supplements.

      You may need to start making home-cooked meals that are free from the problem proteins and wheat products – that’s what we do with Frankie.

  20. November 25, 2018 Sophie Rowles

    Hi, i have a 5 month old male frenchie. He has three to four different sized patches of missing fur isnt irritated by them. So just to give you a back ground ive had him since 9weeks old hes up tp date with vacinations he also lives at home with two young children who do stress him out from time to time. He also comes into contact with cats at my parents house. If you know any solution please let me know. Thanks

  21. November 27, 2018 Sondra

    After reading all the skin allergy complaints it’s obvious it’s indicative of the breed. And it’s commonly uncomfortable with itching and sores over their body. What food do you recommend , home cooked, if need be. I’ve done elimination diet and I think chicken is the main culprit but still need a alternative that you recommend that is most likely to work. Please I don’t know what to feed him he’s 10 and I’ve taken him over , was my sons dog and wife says he’s stinky and doesn’t want him around children. Many sores and blotches of no hair. Please help.

    1. January 1, 2019 Mandee

      Have your frenchie checked for Demodex. They can do a skin scrape at vet and check for it. It is a type of mange but can be managed with medication and it will go away and regrow hair

  22. December 7, 2018 Leanne

    Hi there,
    My frenchie has been losing fur bit by bit for about a year and I have taken him to the vet multiple times. The fur has been becoming thin only on the front of his neck/sides of neck, hind legs and belly. Recently, the vet has done a skin scraping and determined he needed antibiotics and antibacterial shampoo. He is on 2 antibiotics every 12 hours for 28 days. Also, shampoo twice a week with the antibacterial shampoo for a month. His skin darkened over time in the thinning areas and seemed to turn similar to a black color. He licks his paws mostly at night and rarely itching. He has little raises bumps on his back and I notice some more on his neck area. Any suggestion on the raised spots? Or anything else o have mentioned? Are the raised spots/bumps an allergy to food?

    Thanks so much,

    1. December 12, 2018 Frankie

      Hi Leanne,

      Thanks for the message and we’re sorry to hear about your pup’s skin issues 🙁

      It sounds like your vet has given you a good plan for reducing the symptoms and improving your pup’s skin. It may be worthwhile further exploring what could be causing the irritations, whether it is food allergies or environmental irritants.

      Food allergies can be fixed by changing diet, whereas environmental allergies are very hard to eliminate. You may need to simply manage the symptoms with allergy supplements.

  23. January 12, 2019 Ariana

    What are some great homemade recipes for my 11-week old Frenchie pup
    Thanks 👏🏻

    1. January 14, 2019 Frankie

      Hi Ariana,

      You may like to check out this post:

  24. January 15, 2019 Gracie

    I have a 20 month old male Frenchie and I have noticed some little bumps that appeared on his back. They don’t appear to be bothering him as much as they are bothering me! Does this likely mean an allergy? I just gave him a bath about 4 days ago, but I used the same shampoo as always. Any suggestions?

    1. January 16, 2019 Frankie

      Hi Gracie,

      Thanks for reaching out. It’s hard to give you any specific advice without seeing your pup, so the best bet is to go to the vet. Bumps may be allergies, but they could also be a list of other things. So to be safe you’re always best to get an expert opinion.

  25. January 24, 2019 Diego

    My pup keeps licking at her paws. Took her to the vet and they gave her some medicine, but she keeps doing it. Any help?

    1. January 30, 2019 Frankie

      Hey Diego,

      It’s hard to know exactly what is causing your pup to lick her paws – but if it is environmental allergies, one thing we have found to help is to use fragrance-free baby wipes to thoroughly clean the paws after being outside. You can also wash your pup more frequently with a hypo-allergenic shampoo.

      For more advice you could chat online to a vet here:

  26. January 24, 2019 Briana Leon

    I have a 8 month male Frenchie and he has started to have a bald spot on his paw not sure what it is or how to get rid of it.

    1. January 30, 2019 Frankie

      Hey Briana,

      This may be caused by a number of things so it’s probably best to see a vet.

      For more advice you could chat online to a vet here:

  27. January 29, 2019 Micah

    I’m wondering if anyone has had these particular issues with their Frenchie. I’ve got his food allergy under control, I believe. He no longer has skin issues. I found he was allergic to Chicken with process of elimination. His issue now is sleep apnea. He’s had the nares surgery, soft palate reduction, and saccule resection. It’s been nearly a year since that surgery. He now has a very very runny nose, dry crusty nose, sleep apnea, and a wet cough. He’s on Benadryl. A stint of steroids cleared most of his symptoms, but he couldn’t remain on them. My next step is Rhinoscopy, allergy testing, and CAT scan which will be around $5,000.00. Of course worth it, but I’m wondering if anyone has had this problem after the necessary surgeries that are suppose to help our Frenchie’s, but seems to have hendered. Thank you.

  28. February 1, 2019 Lisa

    I have a 2 year old frenchie girl and I believe she has environmental allergies. She scratches her face till it bleeds and her legs are hairless and red and the skin is thicker. I don’t know how to help her……

    1. February 4, 2019 Frankie

      Hi Lisa,

      It’s hard for us to say whether or not your pup has environmental allergies, but if she does, then there are some options.

      – Wash her regularly with a hypo-allergenic shampoo to remove the allergens – once a week or fortnight.
      – Use fragrance-free baby wipes to wipe your pup down after she has been exposed to the environmental allergens.
      – Use allergy-management supplements to reduce the irritation.

      Hope that helps!

      For more advice you could chat online to a vet here:

  29. February 1, 2019 Archer

    Our pup archer has developed some kind of allergy and we are on our journey to find the source. We read the list of commonly known allergy cause above and decided on pork based food. So we went from boiled chicken breast treat and lamb base Logic dry food to only pork diet. (Boiled lean pork loin and Logic pork based dry food)
    It’s only been a week and I know too early to tell, but I would hate if we are doing something wrong for him…. since his itching haven’t changed.
    My question is “is pork safe for those itching pups?”. We did not see the pork on the list, so quickly made assumptions and jumped on pork thinking it’s safe…. but some other sources says it’s highly risky….
    Oh, yes we checked with vet, and she seemed ok with trying out…..

    1. February 4, 2019 Frankie

      Hi Archer,

      The only way you will know if a food allergen is the cause of your pup’s discomfort is to eliminate it from their diet and see if it improves – all pups are different. The hard thing is that the allergies may be from environmental allergens and not the food at all, or it could be a combination.

      Here are some tips for managing environmental allergies:

      – Wash your pup regularly with a hypo-allergenic shampoo to remove the allergens – once a week or fortnight.
      – Use fragrance-free baby wipes to wipe your pup down after they have been exposed to environmental allergens.
      – Use allergy-management supplements to reduce the irritation.

      If you are maintaining this routine, and the allergy persists, then it could be food-related.

      For more advice you could chat online to a vet here:

      1. March 25, 2019 Bobby

        My 2 nearly 3 year old Frenchie girl, has suffered with ear swelling and constant scratching for over a year now. (She has a narrow ear canal) She’s in constant pain! I have took her to multiple vets but none have been able to help. She’s been prescribed steroids in the past but as soon as the course has finished they inflame again almost immediately (within days) I clean them everyday with the drops the vet has provided and also feed her on a hypoallergenic diet. Nothing is working.. can anyone shed some experience or suggestions as nothing I try helps her

        1. April 2, 2019 Will Blunt

          🙁 So sorry to hear this Bobby, hopefully, someone in the community can share their experience with this.

  30. February 7, 2019 Mon

    HI I have a 4 month old male frenchie he eats a lot and very active but recently he started to build up some allergies as his skin turns pinkish first then now there are some pimple like on his stomach. I tried bathing him with sulfur some and apple cider as remedy. His nose is wet and normal, He vomit once but he is still active. What is the best thing to do?
    Thank you

  31. February 28, 2019 Saba Candari

    My boy Baloo is 7 months and occasionally drags himself across the living room rug. At first, I thought it was really cute, and then I noticed hes really using the floor to scratch his belly/groin area. Now it looks like hes done it enough that it’s almost bruising those areas. The skin there is very red and irritated. Is it an allergy? He eats grain-free, the company I use for food and treats is called Orijen and I use that because the stuff I gave him before was causing stomach problems. He doesn’t do it all the time so I don’t think its the food. Any ideas?

    1. March 4, 2019 Frankie

      Hey Saba,

      Consistent rubbing can cause additional redness and soreness for pups so it’s good that you are worried about this. It could be a food allergy, it could be an environmental allergy, or it could be something else entirely. We’d recommend chatting with your vet to be sure.

      If it is a food allergy, the only way to determine the exact cause is with an elimination diet. Environmental allergies are much harder to diagnose and tend to require maintenance, such as allergy supplements and cleaning, rather than prevention.

      Good luck!

  32. April 12, 2019 Calvin Danh

    My blue Merle Frenchie is now 5 months old , the last shot that he’s getting this weekend is his rabies shot. This last week has been horrible . It all started first when he lost one of his baby teeth . After that he was really drooling a lot and he was biting everything so I got him a baby Kong , also froze a wet towel so he could chew on it. After that, I noticed that he started this harsh cough and he always hacked out a little phlegm . When I have allergies it’s usually really bad here at my girlfriends house so I figured the same thing with Drako . But every night he has been doing this and every day I come home, he has so much snot on his nose , but once I bring him out it fades off a little . The other day he pooped , and a hint of blood was there, I got really worried and brought him to the vet . The vet gave us antibiotics and probiotics. I’ve checked other poops after that one and didn’t have any blood but he’s still doing the cough and super runny nose every time . He still has so much energy, he’s eating and drinking water . What could it be ?!

    1. April 12, 2019 Will Blunt

      Hi Calvin,

      Thanks for sharing your experience with Drako. With instances like this, where there are multiple symptoms, we always recommend getting an expert diagnosis from your vet.

      Based on what you have said there is any number of things it could be, so I wouldn’t feel comfortable throwing darts at the wall and guessing.

      Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.

  33. May 2, 2019 Josie

    [email protected]

    Hi my frenchbull dog is 4 yrs old last 2 years I noticed he was licking his paws and were getting pinky, i cleaned them went to vet where he gave him injection and cream, and i was putting sudocream under paws, it seem to be getting better, not excess licking but it soon came back so i was told try a different food so i went and put him on grain free dry kibble, but that didnt make a difference.
    I discovered pro plan pro plan veterinary diets canine ha hypoallergenic and put him on that and its been great, no excessive licking paws, paws nice a white again, but it does state that you should check wit vet after 6 month i dont know why? So i took him off this food
    So i have introduced him back on his original food pro plan salmon and his paws have gone red and hes gone back licking excessively.
    Im at my wits end what can i do for the best 😢

    1. May 10, 2019 Will Blunt

      🙁 Sorry to hear about your situation Josie. Unfortunately, the scenario you have described isn’t uncommon with Frenchies.

      Did the vet say you couldn’t continue on the food that you found to be working?

      Sometimes the allergies can be environmental, rather than from food. Or they could be a combination. The environmental ones are much harder to eliminate and usually require ongoing maintenance such as cleaning and daily supplements.

  34. May 21, 2019 Nirdesh

    Hey, I have a 6 months old Emma. She scratches her ears a lot which causes redness inside her ears. I am using ear cleaner advised by her vet only. But I am not sure whether its effective or not. There was nothing during winter but Its happening now (in) summer. As I read that It could be due to environment or food or etc. You please suggest me what should I do ?

    1. June 6, 2019 Will Blunt

      Hi Nirdesh,

      Thanks for reaching out.

      Your vet will be the best person to advise on this. Yes, ear cleaner can help with irritated ears. However, if the irritation is coming from food or environmental allergies you may need to look closer at the cause.

      For environmental allergies, you can take supplements to manage the symptoms, and usually need to clean your pup more regularly with hypoallergenic shampoo.

      For food allergies, you’d likely need to start them on an elimination diet to discover what could be causing the allergy.

      It’s quite a lengthy process, but if your dog is discomfort then it’s worth figuring it out.

  35. June 5, 2019 Claire Hulme

    My pup has lumps on her skin. Does anyone know what it is, iis on my Frenchie, inner leg/front

    1. June 6, 2019 Will Blunt

      Hi Claire,

      Without seeing your pup’s skin it’s hard to suggest what it may be… even then, I would recommend seeing a vet if you are concerned.

  36. June 16, 2019 Louis

    We have been prescribed zincoseb shampoo for our french bulldog, can you recommend an alternative as it is rather expensive

    1. June 18, 2019 Will Blunt

      Hi Louis,

      Sorry, I don’t know of a direct alternative to that shampoo. You’re best to seek advice from your vet, they may not of some alternatives.

  37. August 12, 2019 Dannielle

    Thanks I am a mother and very busy! This helped me alot!

  38. August 22, 2019 Chantel

    Our Frenchie now 9 he is our sensitive boy! He has ALWAYS had allergies! we spent $1000 at the vet until we found a good one. DO NOT let a vet fool you BTW. We did the chicken and rice diet. We did the prescription diet. We FINALLY said enough with the spending money and killing ourself and our bank account! We found the amazing vet in San Diego, CA area switched to Merrick brand dog food (chicken) no he doesn’t NOT get table food, treats, etc. But since then he has been great! Now just like humans yes he will randomly get a bump here and there bump we do have a mousse we use and a prescription shampoo. But he’s doing great! But I will definitely be trying this product for both my Frenchie’s and will update you!


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